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Information about each baker and their performance during the series they appeared on.




A data frame with 120 rows representing individual bakers and 24 variables:


An integer denoting UK series (1-10).


A character string giving full name.


A character string giving given or nickname.


An integer denoting age in years at first episode appeared.


A character string giving occupation.


A character string giving hometown.


A character string giving family name.


A character string giving given name.


An integer denoting the number of times a given baker won Star Baker.


An integer denoting the number of times a given baker won first place in the technical challenge.


An integer denoting the number of times a given baker was in the top 3 (1st, 2nd, or 3rd) on the technical challenge.


An integer denoting the number of times a given baker was in the bottom 3 on the technical challenge.


An integer denoting the best technical rank earned by a given baker across all episodes appeared (higher is better).


An integer denoting the worst technical rank earned by a given baker across all episodes appeared (higher is better).


An integer denoting the median technical rank earned by a given baker across all episodes appeared (higher is better).


An integer. Is 0 if not the series winner, 1 if series winner.


An integer. Is 0 if not a runner-up, 1 if a runner-up.


An integer denoting the total number of episodes in which a given baker appeared.


A date denoting original airdate of the first episode in which a given baker appeared (equivalent to the series premiere episode in the UK.)


A date denoting original airdate of the last episode in which a given baker appeared (in the UK).


A date denoting original airdate of the first episode in which a given baker appeared (equivalent to the series premiere episode in the US).


A date denoting original airdate of the last episode in which a given baker appeared (in the US).


A percentage denoting the number of episodes in a given series/season in which a given baker appeared out of all episodes aired in that series/season.


A percentage denoting the number of episodes in which a given baker placed in the top 3 for the technical challenge, out of the number of total episodes that the baker appeared in.


if (require('tibble')) {
#> Loading required package: tibble
#> # A tibble: 120 × 24
#>    series baker  star_…¹ techn…² techn…³ techn…⁴ techn…⁵ techn…⁶ techn…⁷ serie…⁸
#>     <dbl> <chr>    <int>   <int>   <int>   <int>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <int>
#>  1      1 Annet…       0       0       1       1       2       7     4.5       0
#>  2      1 David        0       0       1       3       3       8     4.5       0
#>  3      1 Edd          0       2       4       1       1       6     2         1
#>  4      1 Jasmi…       0       0       2       2       2       5     3         0
#>  5      1 Jonat…       0       1       1       2       1       9     6         0
#>  6      1 Lea          0       0       0       1      10      10    10         0
#>  7      1 Louise       0       0       0       1       4       4     4         0
#>  8      1 Mark         0       0       0       0      NA      NA    NA         0
#>  9      1 Miran…       0       2       4       1       1       8     3         0
#> 10      1 Ruth         0       0       2       2       2       5     3.5       0
#> # … with 110 more rows, 14 more variables: series_runner_up <int>,
#> #   total_episodes_appeared <dbl>, first_date_appeared <date>,
#> #   last_date_appeared <date>, first_date_us <date>, last_date_us <date>,
#> #   percent_episodes_appeared <dbl>, percent_technical_top3 <dbl>,
#> #   baker_full <chr>, age <dbl>, occupation <chr>, hometown <chr>,
#> #   baker_last <chr>, baker_first <chr>, and abbreviated variable names
#> #   ¹​star_baker, ²​technical_winner, ³​technical_top3, ⁴​technical_bottom, …
#> # A tibble: 6 × 24
#>   series baker   star_…¹ techn…² techn…³ techn…⁴ techn…⁵ techn…⁶ techn…⁷ serie…⁸
#>    <dbl> <chr>     <int>   <int>   <int>   <int>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <int>
#> 1      1 Annetha       0       0       1       1       2       7     4.5       0
#> 2      1 David         0       0       1       3       3       8     4.5       0
#> 3      1 Edd           0       2       4       1       1       6     2         1
#> 4      1 Jasmin…       0       0       2       2       2       5     3         0
#> 5      1 Jonath…       0       1       1       2       1       9     6         0
#> 6      1 Lea           0       0       0       1      10      10    10         0
#> # … with 14 more variables: series_runner_up <int>,
#> #   total_episodes_appeared <dbl>, first_date_appeared <date>,
#> #   last_date_appeared <date>, first_date_us <date>, last_date_us <date>,
#> #   percent_episodes_appeared <dbl>, percent_technical_top3 <dbl>,
#> #   baker_full <chr>, age <dbl>, occupation <chr>, hometown <chr>,
#> #   baker_last <chr>, baker_first <chr>, and abbreviated variable names
#> #   ¹​star_baker, ²​technical_winner, ³​technical_top3, ⁴​technical_bottom, …