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Details about the three challenges ("signature", "technical", and "showstopper") for each baker/episode across all GBBO series. Who was eliminated? Who won star baker? In the finale, who won and who was runner up?




A data frame with 1,136 rows representing individual bakers per episode and 7 variables:


An integer denoting the UK series number (1-10).


An integer denoting episode number within a series.


A character string with a given name or nickname.


A character string denoting if the baker was IN, OUT, STAR BAKER, or SICK for a given episode. For finale episodes, values are either WINNER or Runner-up. If NA, the baker did not appear in episode.


A character string containing the bake for the signature challenge for that baker/episode. If NA, the baker did not appear in episode.


An integer denoting the rank on the technical challenge for that baker/episode. A value of 1 means the baker was the winner of the technical challenge. If NA, the baker did not appear in the episode.


A character string containing the bake for the showstopper challenge for that baker/episode. If NA, the baker did not appear in episode.


if (require('tibble')) {
#> # A tibble: 1,136 × 7
#>    series episode baker     result signature                     techn…¹ shows…²
#>     <int>   <int> <chr>     <chr>  <chr>                           <int> <chr>  
#>  1      1       1 Annetha   IN     "Light Jamaican Black Cakewi…       2 Red, W…
#>  2      1       1 David     IN     "Chocolate Orange Cake"             3 Black …
#>  3      1       1 Edd       IN     "Caramel Cinnamon and Banana…       1 NA     
#>  4      1       1 Jasminder IN     "Fresh Mango and Passion Fru…      NA NA     
#>  5      1       1 Jonathan  IN     "Carrot Cake with Lime and C…       9 Three …
#>  6      1       1 Louise    IN     "Carrot and Orange Cake"           NA Never …
#>  7      1       1 Miranda   IN     "Triple Layered Brownie Meri…       8 Three …
#>  8      1       1 Ruth      IN     "Three Tiered Lemon Drizzle …      NA Classi…
#>  9      1       1 Lea       OUT    "Cranberry and Pistachio Cak…      10 Raspbe…
#> 10      1       1 Mark      OUT    "Sticky Marmalade Tea Loaf"        NA Heart-…
#> # … with 1,126 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​technical,
#> #   ²​showstopper
#> # A tibble: 6 × 7
#>   series episode baker     result signature                      techn…¹ shows…²
#>    <int>   <int> <chr>     <chr>  <chr>                            <int> <chr>  
#> 1      1       1 Annetha   IN     Light Jamaican Black Cakewith…       2 Red, W…
#> 2      1       1 David     IN     Chocolate Orange Cake                3 Black …
#> 3      1       1 Edd       IN     Caramel Cinnamon and Banana C…       1 NA     
#> 4      1       1 Jasminder IN     Fresh Mango and Passion Fruit…      NA NA     
#> 5      1       1 Jonathan  IN     Carrot Cake with Lime and Cre…       9 Three …
#> 6      1       1 Louise    IN     Carrot and Orange Cake              NA Never …
#> # … with abbreviated variable names ¹​technical, ²​showstopper